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Disconnect to Reconnect

A magical day of self-discovery

As attendees interacted with these majestic creatures, a deep connection blossomed, unveiling their true selves. The horses' authentic feedback and non-judgmental companionship stirred a sense of understanding and acceptance. Here is what they had to say about their experience: ​

​Firstly, a big thank you to you both for providing a wonderful retreat.


I’m not surprised I felt a link with Val. Her story, of having the heart, but not having the legs to make a racehorse, resonated with me. She, in a sense, was rejected for not being what others expected her to be.

When I stood in the barn and I could smell the hay and straw, the sounds from the chickens and pigs and it brought me back to the time when I was much younger, much happier.


I plan on hanging my art piece in my hobby room as a reminder to just let go and be free of the expectations I have of the outcome.


Thanks for the amazing experience!  - Sandy B

From the moment I arrived, I felt a sense of peace. Being with the horses and painting not what I saw, but what I felt was freeing. I released something I’ve been holding onto and left feeling lighter and more content.


Thank you for such a meaningful experience, CJ, Jane, Clarys, Courtney, & everyone. It was an honour to share and connect with you all. 

Mary W.

Lots of lessons here for those of us who are givers.  Thanks so much Jane. It was such a wonderful experience.


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