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Teamwork begins with Trust

Teams succeed in a culture of trust and openness, where employees feel comfortable contributing ideas, sharing information, and reporting mistakes.


By embracing vulnerability, your team can examine beliefs and overcome old patterns that may be holding them back from fully collaborating, taking risks, and pursuing new opportunities with purpose and passion.


Prepare to Be Engaged

Our corporate FEEL® workshops provide a unique and immersive experiential learning environment, where participants can explore new territories, untethered by history or past experiences.


Regardless of their role or area of responsibility, every participant will need to flex their style, tap into their inner resources, and brainstorm with their colleagues to find solutions to new challenges. 


Not only does our training process hone people’s communication skills, and increase their confidence, but it also emboldens them to be leaders in their personal and professional lives.


Why Horses?

Unlike traditional boardroom or classroom settings, our workshops require everyone to be fully present, engaged, active, and involved.


Horses are masters at ‘reading the room.’ They know when someone is disengaged or incongruent in their thoughts, words, or actions. Enlisting our horses as teaching partners ensures participants receive immediate, authentic, unbiased feedback and holds them accountable for putting theory into practice.


Are you ready to unleash the individual and collective talents of your team?

If you are seeking a change of place and pace, our corporate training program offers a refreshing alternative to endless meetings.


By engaging in tasks and challenges that are new to everyone, team members can reveal their hidden talents and strengths.


This guided discovery process has the power to be transformative. Teamwork blends diverse talents, perspectives, and skills into a powerful force. It’s the alchemy that turns ideas into innovation and obstacles into opportunities.

Jane is a highly trained and committed facilitator. As with her own FEEL experience, she cannot come to the work with any motivation other than your safety and a desire to help you unlock some element that is holding your back from balance and fulfillment. If she did, the horses would know. She has come to this work after decades of helping corporate clients with business challenges and seeing how often the root cause and solution is less of a business one and more of a personal journey for leaders and employees. Whether you want to grow professionally or personally, her approach is one that ensures you feel safe, supported, cared for and guided to discovery.


Neal Dlin

Not sure where to start?

Let’s have a conversation. Book a 15-minute complimentary call. We will talk about you – your interests, your intent, your expectations, or any questions you may have and then you can decide if now is the time for you to embark on a journey of self-discovery.

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